Sunday, February 22, 2009

Border Collie

Tips on training your dog

Regular training should be a part of every dog’s upbringing. It is easy to teach basic manners, especially when your dog is young and hasn’t already learned any bad manners.

All dogs should be house trained and taught to heel on a lead, sit, stay, and come when called. There are many books available on dog training. Every dog owner should buy one or two books on dog training for ready reference when needed. Visit the DOGS Victoria Laurie Luxmoore Library for a large selection on training books and all other dog topics.

While written material is useful and important, an obedience class offers individual instruction and guidance. Classes are offered by obedience training clubs, and sometimes by veterinarians, and animal shelters. These classes are fun and teach your dog to socialize with other people and dogs.

Whichever way you choose to train your dog, the goal is the same – a dog that is a joy to own and a true companion.